
Future Agricultures explores what needs to be done to get different forms of agriculture – food/cash crops, livestock/pastoralism, smallholdings/contract farming/large holdings – moving on a track of increasing productivity and competitiveness.

We do this through work in 10 themes, examining how agricultural policy is made and put into practice in different settings, and how this could be improved

Latest articles

How can Africa adapt to climate change?
How can Africa adapt to climate change?
November 10, 2013 / Climate Change
As the world meets to discuss adaptation climate change at the COP19 conference, Future Agricultures research looks at how African agricultural policy is responding in different ways to this major challenge. Our work looks at how climate policy discussions are

11 November, Brussels: Leaping and Learning report launch
11 November, Brussels: Leaping and Learning report launch
November 4, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
An event on 11 November 2013 in Brussels will launch two new reports which provide practical, real-life examples of linking smallholder farmers in Africa to markets, as well as a robust academic review of the challenges faced, lessons learned and

Register: Food sovereignty, ISS, January 2014
Register: Food sovereignty, ISS, January 2014
November 1, 2013 / Land
The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) is organising a colloquium on food sovereignty on 24 January 2014 in The Hague. Places are limited, so early registration is advised. Full details: Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue - 24 January 2014

New book: land deals and the state
New book: land deals and the state
October 25, 2013 / Land
A new book examines the state's role in land deals through theoretical insights and empirical studies from around the globe. Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land analyses the relationships between global land

Kenya: a changing climate of policy
Kenya: a changing climate of policy
September 30, 2013 / Climate Change
A new working paper analyses how discussions on climate change and agriculture in Kenya are driven from within and outside the country’s borders. Kenya has been ahead of many other countries in developing a national climate change strategy. But there

Warming to climate change in Ethiopia?
Warming to climate change in Ethiopia?
September 27, 2013 / Climate Change
A new paper addresses how policy responses to climate change are shaping the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, and their significance for the country’s future development. 'Warming to Change? Climate Policy and Agricultural Development in Ethiopia' highlights multiple responses, including those

The New Alliance and changing patterns of growth – workshop
The New Alliance and changing patterns of growth – workshop
September 25, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
Initial findings from research into changing patterns of growth and investment in countries involved in the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, will be presented in November. Building on earlier analysis, this project reviews recent trends in agricultural growth,

Leaping and Learning: Linking smallholders to markets
Leaping and Learning: Linking smallholders to markets
September 17, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
Leaping and Learning: Linking Smallholders to Markets (pdf) is a comprehensive review of the existing literature on smallholder-centred market-based interventions. Smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa number around 33 million, represent 80% of all farms in the region, and contribute up

Technology: more than mobiles
Technology: more than mobiles
September 17, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
Electronic devices allow farmers in Africa to access and share information as never before. But the role of ‘technology’ in agriculture is about more than just sharing practices through mobile phones. Institutions, social change and politics play a part. In

Brazil and Africa: a special relationship?
Brazil and Africa: a special relationship?
September 9, 2013 / China and Brazil in African Agriculture
Why is Brazil investing in African agriculture? In a new article for the Institute of Development Studies website, Lídia Cabral looks at the different motivations that exist at international level, and in the ‘encounters’ between businesses and development partners. Our

Finding the ‘opportunity space’ for young people and rural jobs
Finding the ‘opportunity space’ for young people and rural jobs
September 9, 2013 / Young People & Agrifood
Over the last decade, both agriculture and young people have become increasingly prominent on African development agendas. Many have concluded that engagement in production agriculture is an obvious (if not the obvious) opportunity through which to address the problem of

Opening ‘policy space’ for pastoralism in Kenya
Opening ‘policy space’ for pastoralism in Kenya
September 6, 2013 / Pastoralism
Pastoralism in Kenya has been neglected and understood. A new government Ministry was formed in 2008 aimed to create policy and institutional change. A new Working Paper by Izzy Birch and Mohamed Elmi tells the story of the Ministry. It

How have fertiliser subsidies changed Malawi?
How have fertiliser subsidies changed Malawi?
August 28, 2013 / Growth and Social Protection
Four new Future Agricultures working papers and five accompanying policy briefs look in detail at the impacts of the Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) in Malawi, which aims to support farmers and boost the economy by subsidising seeds and fertilizers.

Arguing about agronomy
Arguing about agronomy
August 27, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
A new article in Outlook on Agriculture looks at how agronomy has been affected by social change since the 1970s. The science of agronomy informs crucial decisions on development. It is often seen as a practical, problem-solving field, but like other

Pan African Land Hearing: people speak out
Pan African Land Hearing: people speak out
August 13, 2013 / Land
A special Pan African Land Hearing, held on 15 August in South Africa, gave a platform to recognise and profile the struggles of ordinary people affected by disputes over land and tenure. It was organised by Oxfam South Africa, PLAAS,

Opening up food security policy for Africa’s women and men
Opening up food security policy for Africa’s women and men
August 2, 2013 / Gender & Social Difference
Women are increasingly expected to be at the centre of food security for sub-Saharan Africa. But studies show that women and men engage in agriculture in flexible ways. In a blog post for the Gender and Social Difference theme, Siera

Land deals in Mozambique
Land deals in Mozambique
July 25, 2013 / Land
A workshop on Governance of Large Scale Land Transactions in Mozambique took place on 31 July 2013. The event aimed to show preliminary findings from research in Manhica and Massingir, and to encourage dialogue among stakeholders in land transactions. The

Adapting to climate change: policy & research gaps
Adapting to climate change: policy & research gaps
July 24, 2013 / Climate Change
Lars Otto Naess, Climate Change convenor for Future Agricultures, presented preliminary findings from a review of research and policies for climate change adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa on 16 July. He spoke at a side event “Consultative dialogue on climate smart

Afrocapitalism and GM: blurred philanthropy?
Afrocapitalism and GM: blurred philanthropy?
July 22, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
In an article for openDemocracy, Sally Brooks examines the promise of Afrocapitalism and new forms of philanthropy involving public private partnerships for development in Africa. Brooks compares the development of Golden Rice in the 1990s and 2000s, the more recent

IDS Bulletin: China and Brazil in African Agriculture
IDS Bulletin: China and Brazil in African Agriculture
July 14, 2013 / China and Brazil in African Agriculture
This IDS Bulletin brings together the first collection of empirical and review articles on how China and Brazil are engaging in African agriculture. It focuses on financial arrangements, practices and politics of engagement, the 'encounters' that occur during negotiations, and

Land grabs: getting the facts right
Land grabs: getting the facts right
July 5, 2013 / Land
As part of its series on global land deals, The Journal of Peasant Studies has released a collection of 5 new articles on the problem of recording accurate and reliable information on global land deals. The edition includes contributions from

FAO launches high-level reports on biofuels and smallholder farmers
FAO launches high-level reports on biofuels and smallholder farmers
June 26, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
Today (26 June 2013) sees the launch of two reports from the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition: #5 Biofuels and food security, and #6 Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security. Report 6, according to

G8 & Africa: reframing the New Alliance
G8 & Africa: reframing the New Alliance
June 14, 2013 / Land
Through the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, G8 countries are seeking to mobilise the private sector and multi-national corporations to boost African agriculture. A new Future Agricultures / PLAAS briefing (pdf) looks at how African countries are engaging

How are climate impact models changing agricultural research?
How are climate impact models changing agricultural research?
June 14, 2013 / Climate Change
Is climate-crop modelling opening the way for more 'non-expert' contributions? A journal article in Climatic Change discusses the impact of climate impact models on policies and programmes. Climate change adaptation is increasingly targeted within policies, programmes and interventions across a

G8: A recipe for solving hunger?
G8: A recipe for solving hunger?
June 10, 2013 / Policy Processes
As the G8 prepares to discuss transparency, hunger and nutrition, the approaches on the table have crucial implications for African agricultural policy. In a new blog post, Ian Scoones asks if the political dimensions of the global food system are

Displacement and changing labour in Zimbabwe’s farms
Displacement and changing labour in Zimbabwe’s farms
May 29, 2013 / Land
Zimbabwe's recent land reform had a major impact on farm labour, with much displacement of workers from large-scale commercial farms. However, the scale and implications of this are much disputed and poorly understood. A new paper by Walter Chambati examines

Pastoralist innovation in Kenya
Pastoralist innovation in Kenya
May 17, 2013 / Pastoralism
On 29th April 2013 the RVI hosted a seminar to discuss the book Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins, in collaboration with the Future Agricultures Consortium. The seminar brought together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to

Biofuels: living up to expectations?
Biofuels: living up to expectations?
May 14, 2013 / Land
Have biofuel projects taken off as expected? A report from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) looks at the situation in five countries which were seen as key destinations for the industry – and what effects the developments may have on

Large farming developments: reviewing the evidence
Large farming developments: reviewing the evidence
May 13, 2013 / Land
What are the impacts of different types of large farming developments in Africa? On the blog, Rebecca Smalley explains the highlights from a literature review from our new project, Land and Commercialisation in Africa (LACA). The project looks at contract

Breathing new life into farming systems research
Breathing new life into farming systems research
May 3, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
In a new blog post, Jim Sumberg suggests how the discipline of Farming Systems Research (FSR), pioneered in the 1970s, could be revived with new thinking. With agriculture once again high on the development agenda, and with new ambitions, actors

Does the ‘heifer-in-trust’ model work for social protection?
Does the ‘heifer-in-trust’ model work for social protection?
April 26, 2013 / Growth and Social Protection
An article in Development Policy Review by James Sumberg and Gountiéni Damien Lankoandé examines the ‘heifer-in-trust’ or ‘livestock-in-kind credit’ model through a social-protection lens. Specifically it seeks to engage with debates about the use of asset-based strategies to support graduation

Special issue: Governing global land deals
Special issue: Governing global land deals
April 22, 2013 / Land
A special issue of the journal Development and Change, entitled Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land, is the latest of a series exploring global land, water and green grabs. This has been

Land guidelines: from paper to practice
Land guidelines: from paper to practice
April 3, 2013 / Land
The tenth "Policies against Hunger" conference in June 2013 will centre around the question of how to apply the standards and principles described in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the

The problem with profit
The problem with profit
March 27, 2013 / China and Brazil in African Agriculture
In a new post on the blog From Poverty To Power, Henry Tugendhat examines DFID’s policy of working with private investors to invest in developing economies. What can the UK learn from Chinese and Brazilian experiences in Africa? As new

China and Brazil in Africa: new papers
China and Brazil in Africa: new papers
March 11, 2013 / China and Brazil in African Agriculture
A set of seven new working papers looks at how Brazil and China are changing agricultural development in Africa. The China and Brazil in African Agriculture (CBAA) project analyses new patterns of development co-operation in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

New book sheds light on Ethiopian seed systems
New book sheds light on Ethiopian seed systems
March 6, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
A new book, available as a free download (Zip file, 18MB), is the culmination of a considerable amount of new and important research on seed systems, both within Ethiopia and across Africa. Defining Moments in the Ethiopian Seed System draws

Media competition: Winners announced
Media competition: Winners announced
February 27, 2013 / Policy Processes
We're delighted to announce the winners of our Africa-wide journalism competition on the politics and processes that influence agricultural investment in Africa. The winners are: Print category: Oluyinka Alawode (Nigeria) Audio category: George Kalungwe (Malawi) We had over 40 submissions

Pastoralism book launch, Kenya: video & audio
Pastoralism book launch, Kenya: video & audio
February 18, 2013 / Pastoralism
The book Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins had its Kenya launch in Nairobi on 13 February 2013. The keynote speaker was Hon. Mohamed Elmi, Minister of State for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid

Busting myths about youth and agriculture
Busting myths about youth and agriculture
February 14, 2013 / Young People & Agrifood
The debate on youth and agriculture has often assumed that simply encouraging young people to farm will solve the triple problem of unemployment, undernutrition and an ageing workforce. But the attitudes of young people themselves have largely been ignored, as

Are agricultural ‘success stories’ all they appear to be?
Are agricultural ‘success stories’ all they appear to be?
February 13, 2013 / Science, Technology and Innovation
Demonstrating 'impact' has become a strong imperative for those involved in agricultural research. But this pressure has led to some large-scale claims for techniques that have only been tested at farm level. In a new blog post, Jim Sumberg examines

Productivity and food prices: the missing link?
Productivity and food prices: the missing link?
February 8, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
High and unstable food prices have been high on international agendas in recent years, amid concerns about population, demand and environmental constraints. A new paper by Andrew Dorward argues that much greater attention needs to be paid to understanding and

Will there be a global food crisis in 2013?
Will there be a global food crisis in 2013?
January 23, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
FAC Commercialisation theme convenor Steve Wiggins is quoted in an IRIN article considering the outlook for global food security in 2013. After the 2012 drought affecting the USA, maize prices fell slightly, but from a relatively high position. Cereal prices

Food, finance and speculation
Food, finance and speculation
January 23, 2013 / Pathways to Commercialisation
A new FAC Working Paper, Food price volatility and financial speculation (pdf), looks at the link between different forms of speculation on financial markets, and unstable or inaccurate food prices. In a post on the FAC blog, the paper's author,

Learning from pastoralists on climate change
Learning from pastoralists on climate change
January 7, 2013 / Pastoralism
Change is sweeping the Greater Horn of Africa and many of the other drylands of the world. New threats are appearing, as well as opportunities. In a new post on the ILRI blog, Susan MacMillan looks at the section on

Online debate on the Future of Agriculture: 10-21 December
Online debate on the Future of Agriculture: 10-21 December
December 17, 2012 / Land
Oxfam is running an online discussion from 10-21 December 2012, exploring key issues for the future of agriculture. They include: farmers’ knowledge as the driver of innovation and investment; women’s land ownership; farming’s dependence on fossil fuels; and effective risk

Chicken and politics mix in Ghana
Chicken and politics mix in Ghana
November 28, 2012 / Policy Processes
A post on the STEPS Centre blog by Future Agricultures researchers Jim Sumberg and John Thompson looks at the politics of chicken in Ghana, with elections just around the corner. 70,900 metric tons of frozen chicken were imported into the

Debate: farmers, GM crops and agriculture’s future
Debate: farmers, GM crops and agriculture’s future
November 23, 2012 / Science, Technology and Innovation
The Guardian's latest Global Development podcast features a panel discussing the future for farmers, GM crops and agriculture. The discussion, which includes FAC's Andrew Dorward, was recorded at the UK DSA conference in October 2012. High food prices, concerns about

Malawi’s Green Belt: squeezing smallholder farmers?
Malawi’s Green Belt: squeezing smallholder farmers?
November 18, 2012 / Growth and Social Protection
Malawi's Green Belt Initiative aims to offer land to local and international investors, in order to increase agricultural production, productivity, incomes and food security. But it may also be facilitating 'land grabs' from smallholder farmers. This new Policy Brief (pdf)

Malawi’s Green Belt: squeezing smallholder farmers?
Malawi’s Green Belt: squeezing smallholder farmers?
November 18, 2012 / Land
Malawi's Green Belt Initiative aims to offer land to local and international investors, in order to increase agricultural production, productivity, incomes and food security. But it may also be facilitating 'land grabs' from smallholder farmers. This new Policy Brief (pdf)

Interview: Does democracy lead to pro-poor agriculture?
Interview: Does democracy lead to pro-poor agriculture?
November 13, 2012 / Policy Processes
The process of democratisation does not always create better pro-poor agricultural policy in Africa. The Africa Portal has published an interview with FAC researcher Colin Poulton on whether democratisation in Africa leads to more pro-poor agricultural policy. The interview comes