
Future Agricultures explores what needs to be done to get different forms of agriculture – food/cash crops, livestock/pastoralism, smallholdings/contract farming/large holdings – moving on a track of increasing productivity and competitiveness.

We do this through work in 10 themes, examining how agricultural policy is made and put into practice in different settings, and how this could be improved

Latest articles

Studies on the economic contributions of livestock in North and East Africa
Studies on the economic contributions of livestock in North and East Africa
March 7, 2012 / Pastoralism
Livestock is important to the economies of countries in Northern and Eastern Africa, and there has been a need to demonstrate this contribution. The FAO IGAD Livestock Policy Initiative has published a series of studies by Roy Behnke (together with

Project: The politics of changing pastoral livelihoods in the Horn of Africa
Project: The politics of changing pastoral livelihoods in the Horn of Africa
February 29, 2012 / Pastoralism
This project explores how changes in social, economic and political systems in the Horn of Africa are changing the nature of pastoralism, and the new types of pastoralism that are emerging. Our research explores the following areas: The characteristics of

Policy Dialogue: Climate Chaos, Policy Dilemma in Kenya
Policy Dialogue: Climate Chaos, Policy Dilemma in Kenya
February 24, 2012 / Climate Change
The FAC Climate Change theme convened a policy roundtable in February 2012 to discuss key findings of a recent research on the status of agricultural climate change policy process in Kenya. Video and presentations have been published from the session.

New book: Contested Agronomy
New book: Contested Agronomy
February 17, 2012 / Science, Technology and Innovation
A new book, Contested Agronomy, by FAC members Jim Sumberg and John Thompson, is published by Routledge as part of the STEPS Centre's Pathways to Sustainability book series. Contested Agronomy book: order The dramatic increases in food prices experienced over

Winners announced: young people, farming & food media competition
Winners announced: young people, farming & food media competition
February 17, 2012 / Young People & Agrifood
We're delighted to announce the winners of our Africa-wide journalism competition on young people, farming and food. The competition was held in the run-up to our Young People, Farming and Food conference in Ghana, 19-21 March 2012. We had over

Book: Seasonality, rural livelihoods and development
Book: Seasonality, rural livelihoods and development
January 18, 2012 / Growth and Social Protection
Edited by Stephen Devereux, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler & Richard Longhurst A systematic study of seasonality for over 20 years, this book aims to revive academic interest and policy awareness of this crucial but neglected issue. Buy the book from Earthscan Publishing

Book: Seasonality, rural livelihoods and development
Book: Seasonality, rural livelihoods and development
January 18, 2012 / Growth and Social Protection
Edited by Stephen Devereux, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler & Richard Longhurst Routledge, 2011 A systematic study of seasonality for over 20 years, this book aims to revive academic interest and policy awareness of this crucial but neglected issue. Buy the book from

FAC and its partners host MPs meeting on pastoral livelihoods and policy
FAC and its partners host MPs meeting on pastoral livelihoods and policy
December 16, 2011 / Pastoralism
Securing land tenure for pastoralists in Kenya is one of the major concerns for policymakers from the pastoral community. A breakfast meeting hosted by Future Agricultures Consortium and its partners, Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE) and Pastoralists Development Network

Climate Change and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Concerns, Old Arguments?
Climate Change and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Concerns, Old Arguments?
December 5, 2011 / Climate Change
This is a summary of an unpublished paper by Paula Silva Villanueva and Rocio Hiraldo. The paper is due to be published soon. The purpose of this paper is to map current policy debates on climate change and agriculture in

Markets and productivity are thought to be vital to African Green Revolution
Markets and productivity are thought to be vital to African Green Revolution
November 14, 2011 / Pathways to Commercialisation
By Dr Samuel Gebreselassie Two international conferences held recently in Addis Ababa emphasised that markets and agricultural productivity are key in lifting Africa’s small farmers out of poverty by sustaining and accelerating the growth in Africa observed over the past

Land in Zimbabwe: Voices from the Field
Land in Zimbabwe: Voices from the Field
September 27, 2011 / Land
26 September 2011 - Ian Scoones Zimbabwe's political crisis continues with political parties' internal divides exposed by Wikileaks revelations, the coalition government at loggerheads on fundamental issues and the prospect of a violent election period in the coming year. Yet

FAC Researchers contribute to IDS Bulletin on Climate Change
FAC Researchers contribute to IDS Bulletin on Climate Change
July 6, 2011 / Climate Change
Three FAC researchers have contributed to a new IDS Bulletin focusing on the Political Economy of Climate Change:

New IDS Bulletin Features FAC work on the Political Economy of Seed Systems in Africa’s Green Revolution
New IDS Bulletin Features FAC work on the Political Economy of Seed Systems in Africa’s Green Revolution
July 5, 2011 / Science, Technology and Innovation
As calls for a ‘Uniquely African Green Revolution' gain momentum, a focus on seeds and seed systems is rising up the agricultural policy agenda. Much of the debate stresses the technological or market dimensions, with substantial investments being made in seed

Transnational Commercial Land Deals in Ghana
June 27, 2011 / Land
Joseph Yaro, Dzodzi Tsikata, Marshal Kala, Abraham Zackaria University of Legon, Ghana

Land deals and commercial agriculture in Kwara State, Nigeria
June 27, 2011 / Land
Joseph Ariyo and Michael Mortimore Alma du Bello University; independent

Land Deals in Kenya: The Competing Interests of Investors, Pastoralists and Commercialising Farmers
June 27, 2011 / Land
Research team: John Letai, Abdirizak Nunow, Jeremy Lind Oxfam GB, Moi University, University of Sussex

The next Great Trek: South African commercial farmers moving north
June 27, 2011 / Land
Research team: Ruth Hall, Gaynor Paradza PLAAS, University of the Western Cape

The Political Economy of Land Grabs and Land Reforms in Malawi
June 27, 2011 / Land
Research team: Henry Chingaipe, Micheal Chasukwa, Blessings Chinsinga and Ephraim Chirwa Chancellor College, University of Malawi

Country Case Studies: Transnational Commercial Land Deals in Africa
Country Case Studies: Transnational Commercial Land Deals in Africa
June 27, 2011 / Land
The convergence of global crises in food, energy, finance and the environment has driven a dramatic revaluation of land ownership as powerful transnational and national economic actors tap into lands outside their own borders to provide food and energy security

Report on the Africa College International “Food Security, Health and Impact” Knowledge Brokering Conference
Report on the Africa College International “Food Security, Health and Impact” Knowledge Brokering Conference
June 26, 2011 / Policy Processes
22 - 24 June 2011, Leeds, UK, by Colin Poulton Africa College is a research partnership between University of Leeds (Faculties of Biological Sciences, Environment, Medicine and Health), IITA and ICIPE that aims “to improve the lives of millions of

FAC’s focus on Land Grabbing
FAC’s focus on Land Grabbing
June 23, 2011 / Land
Much attention has recently fallen on the ‘scramble’ for land and other natural resources in Africa to secure food supplies for populous Asian countries concerned about long-term food security. Yet mounting evidence (from the World Bank, from the International Land

FAC Contributes to International Conference on Sustainable Seed Systems in Ethiopia, 1-3 June 2011
FAC Contributes to International Conference on Sustainable Seed Systems in Ethiopia, 1-3 June 2011
June 7, 2011 / Science, Technology and Innovation
FAC's Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Team co-sponsored an international conference on ‘Sustainable Seed Systems in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities’ in Addis Ababa on 1-2 June 2011, co-hosted by the Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR), in partnership with The

WaA call for papers: Water Grabbing?
WaA call for papers: Water Grabbing?
May 31, 2011 / Land
Special Issue on- Water Grabbing? Focus on the (Re)appropriation of Finite Water Resources Despite headline attention to ‘land grabbing’ the implications for existing surface and groundwater water resources have so far not been adequately examined.

Presentation at the “Ideas Marketplace”, Agriculture and Rural Development Day, COP-16, Cancun (December 2010)
Presentation at the “Ideas Marketplace”, Agriculture and Rural Development Day, COP-16, Cancun (December 2010)
May 23, 2011 / Climate Change
Climate change adaptation research has evolved over the past few years but how much of it is being adopted or implemented as policy? How to influence decision-makers to adopt adaptation policies based on research findings? These were some of the

Pastoral Seers of East Africa: Karamoja and Toposaland
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Darlington Akabwai & Khristopher CarlsonFeinstein International Center, Tufts University   Seers Research In 2008-2009 a team from the Feinstein International Center carried out research and photo-documentation on pastoral seers or diviners in Karamoja, Uganda and Toposaland,South Sudan. The research sought

Pastoralism, Power and Choice: Darfur, Sudan
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Helen Young, Abdalmonim Osman, Ahmed Abusin, Michael Asher and Omer Egemi Introduction Livelihoods in the Darfur region of Sudan are closely linked to conflict, especially the pastoralist livelihoods of the camel-herding nomads – the Northern Rizaygat. Since 2004 they have

Camels and Commerce: Trends in Ethiopia
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Yacob AkliluFeinstein International Center, Tufts University, Addis Ababa Background: Camel production and marketing is an under-researched aspect of livestock development in Ethiopia. This study was aimed to examine changing attitudes, ownership and uses of camels in Ethiopia, and track camel

Economics of Small-Scale Pump Irrigation, Somali Region, Ethiopia
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Gezu Bekele, Alison Napier, Andy CatleyFeinstein International Center, Tufts University, Addis Ababa Impact AssessmentIn 2010 an assessment was conducted to assess the impact of an NGO project that provided water pumps, fuel and other assistance to ‘Asset Building Groups’ (ABGs)

Livelihoods and Environment: Pastoralism and Pastoralist Livelihoods
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Helen Young and Afaf RahimTufts University Pastoralism in SudanSudan is home to one of the largest pastoralist populations in Africa. More than 45 pastoralist groups share a culture of pastoralism and transhumance and have long co-existed with each other and

Milk Matters: improving the health and nutritional status of children in pastoralist communities
March 31, 2011 / Posters
K. Sadler, A. Catley & E. Mitchard Feinstein International Center, Tufts University Background Children that live in pastoralist areas of Africa are increasingly referred to as some of the most nutritionally vulnerable in the world. Yet, from work going back

Livelihood Impacts of Disarmament in Karamoja, Uganda
March 31, 2011 / Posters
Elizabeth Stites & Darlington Akabwai Feinstein International Center, Tufts University Background: The Karamoja region of Uganda is the most remote and least developed region of the country and has long experienced insecurity from armed livestock raiding and thefts. Disarmament operations

Researchers discuss pastoralist innovation: Video
Researchers discuss pastoralist innovation: Video
January 12, 2011 / Pastoralism
FAC Researchers speak about pastoral innovation after presenting five research findings at FAC's University of the Bush in November 2010.  

FAC presents at FAO Food Security World Committee session
FAC presents at FAO Food Security World Committee session
January 4, 2011 / Land
FAC presented its land research at a FAO Food Security World Committee session together with other research on key 'land grab' issues to show how these issues are linked to government policies, like 'Responsible Agricultural Investment' (RAI) during a Transnational Institute side event to the Rome summit.

HOT TOPIC: Agribusiness, FAC and young people
January 4, 2011 / Young People & Agrifood
Many researchers and development professionals with an interest in poverty, agriculture and rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) view agribusiness with suspicion. For them, agribusiness is synonymous with big business, transnational corporations, globalisation, international capital, export crops and large-scale plantations.

Land grabbing in Africa
Land grabbing in Africa
January 4, 2011 / Land
The FAC land theme contributed to an event at the FAO in Rome in advance of the critical debate by the FAO World Food Security Committee session on land grabbing. Hosted by civil society organisations, including the Transnational Institute and

University of the Bush: Seminar 2
University of the Bush: Seminar 2
January 4, 2011 / Pastoralism
The second in the series of seminars known as the ‘University of the Bush’ took place at Malka Bisan Adi near Kinna, Kenya, on 22-24 November 2010. Around 50 pastoralists attended from across Kenya and southern Ethiopia. They were joined

The political economy of seed systems
The political economy of seed systems
January 4, 2011 / Science, Technology and Innovation
Huge expectations exist around the prospects of a new Green Revolution for Africa. Major investments have been made in supporting a science-led revolution in crop production, hoping that this will transform Africa’s fortunes. Institutions such as the Alliance for a

Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant
Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant
January 4, 2011 / Policy Processes
FAC’s conference held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, on 21-22 June 2010, focused on the findings of the World Bank’s Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant report. This influential document argues that a huge area, defined broadly as

Ethiopian Ministry interview with FAC
Ethiopian Ministry interview with FAC
December 30, 2010 / Growth and Social Protection
Advancing the Social Protection Agenda in Ethiopia: an interview with the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs (MoLSA) Quarterly Bulletin MoLSA: Just for our readers understanding, what does social protection mean? Amdissa: Support given to citizens that are vulnerable to

Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
October 28, 2010 / Climate Change
FAC side event at the Global Conference on Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change. The Hague, The Netherlands, 1st November 2010 The Hague conference was among the first major international conferences linking agriculture, food security and climate change, and was

The Future of Pastoralism in Africa
The Future of Pastoralism in Africa
October 18, 2010 / Pastoralism
An international conference to debate the future of pastoralists in Africa, 21-23 March 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The future of pastoralism in Africa is uncertain and radical changes are affecting Pastoralist areas in terms of access to resources, options for

LDPI Small Grant Recipients – 2010
LDPI Small Grant Recipients – 2010
October 6, 2010 / Land
The Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) is a network initiated by five university-based research institutions with the purpose of promoting 'engaged research' on the recent explosion of (trans) national commercial and corporation-driven land transactions. In-depth and systematic enquiry has become

FAC Kenya Roundtable on Climate Change and Agriculture
FAC Kenya Roundtable on Climate Change and Agriculture
September 23, 2010 / Climate Change
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) in partnership with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex, UK and the Future Agriculture Consortium (FAC) organised a one day round table meeting for policy makers, implementers and researchers

FAC Ethiopia Roundtable on Climate Change and Agriculture
FAC Ethiopia Roundtable on Climate Change and Agriculture
September 23, 2010 / Climate Change
Future Agriculture Consortium (FAC) organised a one day round table meeting for policy makers, implementers and researchers involved in work on climate change and agriculture in Adis Adaba on 11 November 2010.

Case Studies: Kenya and Ethiopia
Case Studies: Kenya and Ethiopia
August 6, 2010 / Climate Change
The objective is to investigate how international climate change policy processes play out in national and sub-national agricultural contexts and to ascertain how these influence and are influenced by particular policy narratives, actors, networks and interests. Specifically, the study will

FAC Researchers Contribute to IDS  Bulletin on Climate Change
FAC Researchers Contribute to IDS Bulletin on Climate Change
May 19, 2010 / Climate Change
Three FAC researchers have contributed to a new IDS Bulletin focusing on the Political Economy of Climate Change:

Innovations in peace and security
May 18, 2010 / Pastoralism
In recent years in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia violent incidents have claimed increasing numbers of lives. Incidents of political intimidation, cattle rustling, smuggling and other kinds of crime have spread fear, disrupted trade, hampered livestock production and impeded mobility.

‘Global Land Grabbing’ – call for papers
‘Global Land Grabbing’ – call for papers
May 17, 2010 / Land
Co-organized and hosted by the Future Agricultures Consortium in partnership with the Journal of Peasant Studies and the Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI). This international academic conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’ will be held on 6-8 April 2011 at the

LDPI Small grant competition: Call for applications 2010
LDPI Small grant competition: Call for applications 2010
May 17, 2010 / Land
The 2010 application process is now closed. (The following is for background information only). A convergence of factors has been driving a revaluation of land by powerful economic and political actors. This is occurring across the world, but especially in

LDPI Small grant competition: Call for applications 2011
LDPI Small grant competition: Call for applications 2011
May 17, 2010 / Land
This call has now closed - view the list of recipients A convergence of factors has been driving a revaluation of land by powerful economic and political actors. This is occurring across the world, but especially in the global South.