The Future Agricultures Consortium participates in many conferences and workshops. We also watch for important agriculture policy “windows” and report them here.
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International Academic Conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’
April 6, 2011 / Events Co-organized and hosted by the Future Agricultures Consortium in partnership with the Journal of Peasant Studies and the Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI). This international academic conference on ‘Global Land Grabbing’ will be held on 6-8 April 2011 at the
JPS Forum
April 4, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing A new report has been released to coincide with the conference. The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS) Forum on global land grabbing, with three leading commentators, debates the sometimes hidden impacts of land deals and sets the scene for wider
Further Resources
April 4, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing Media Reports The Guardian, Ugandan villagers evicted to make way for forestry company (video) The Guardian, Mark Tran UN expert calls for guidelines to protect vulnerable people against ‘land grabs’ (quotes keynote speaker, Olivier de Schutter) Geographical Magazine A new
Conference Papers
April 4, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing No. Name Paper title 1 Abdirizak Nunow The Dynamics of Land Deals in the Tana Delta, Kenya 2 Alberto Alonso-Fradejas Expansion of oil palm agribusinesses over indigenous-peasant lands and territories in Guatemala: Fuelling a new cycle of agrarian accumulation, territorial
Policy Frameworks
April 4, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing Much recent policy debate has focused on policy guidelines or principles aimed at governing land investments. A number of competing frameworks exist. There are also opportunities to get involved through e-discussions and petitions.
“Responsible Companies” and African Livestock-Keepers: Acting, Teaching,but not Learning?
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations John Morton, NRI, University of Greenwich
Social Protection for Pastoralists: Just give them cash?
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Stephen Devereux, Institute of Development Studies Karen Tibbo, Oxford Policy Management
Traditional pastoralist regions during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa Dr Hassane Mahamat HassaneDREA, AUC
Legislating for pastoralism: lessons from West Africa
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Ced Hesse International Institute for Environment and Development
Structural and procedural properties important in promoting bio-enterprises as alternative…
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Structural and procedural properties important in promoting bio-enterprises as alternative livelihoods to pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods
Index Based Livestock Insurance
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Protecting pastoralists against mortality losses due to severe forage scarcity Andrew Mude
Moving Up or Moving Out? Commercialization, growth and destitution in ‘high-export’ pastoralist
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Moving Up or Moving Out? Commercialization, growth and destitution in ‘high-export’ pastoralist areas Andy Catley and Yacob Aklilu
Mobility and the Sustainability of the Pastoral Production System in Africa
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Perspectives of Contrasting Paradigms
The Future of Pastoralism in Africa: The Key Issues Based on Sudan Experience
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Luka Biong Deng Minister of Cabinet Affairs Khartoum, Sudan
Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consequences and Implications for the “Future of Pastoralism”
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations P. Ericksen, J. de Leeuw, P. Thornton, A. Ayantunde, M. Said, M. Herrero and A. Notenbaert
Seeking survival : The case of pastoral drop outs in Borana plateau
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Getachew Gebru and Solomon Desta MARIL-Ethiopia (Managing Risk for Improved Livelihoods-Ethiopia)
Primary Animal Healthcare in Pastoralist Areas: experiences with evidence-based policy reform
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Berhanu Admassu FIC/Tufts University
Mobility and sustainable Pastoralism in Southern Kenya
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations David Ole Nkedianye, Ph.D.
Diversification, Experimentation, and Adaptation: Pastoralists in Communal Governance of Resources
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Diversification, Experimentation, and Adaptation: Pastoralists in Communal Governance of Resources and livelihoods Strategies Stephen S. Moiko, (McGill University, Dept. of Anthropology)
Impact assessment of community-based health workers in the Somali Region, Ethiopia
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Gezu Bekele, independent consultant, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Andy Catley, Feinstein International Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Alison Napier, Feinstein International Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Adrian Cullis, Former Director, Livelihoods Unit, Save the Children US, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Seeking Alternative Livelihoodsin Northern Kenya
April 1, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Elliot Fratkin PhD Smith College MA USA Martha A. Nathan MD Baystate Health Center and Tufts School of Medicine Eric Abella Roth PhD University of Victoria CA
Economic Empowerment for Pastoralist Women
March 31, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations A comparative look at Expereince in Somaliland, Sudan and Uganda.
Traditional pastoralist regions during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa Dr Hassane Mahamat Hassane DREA, AUC
Social Protection for Pastoralists: Just give them cash?
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Stephen DevereuxInstitute of Development Studies Karen Tibbo Oxford Policy Management
Reaching pastoralists with formal education: A distance learning strategy.
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations By Jeremy swift, Saverio Kratli, David Siele.
Pastoralism and Regional Policy East Africa
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Dawit AbebeFeinstein International Center Tufts University
“Responsible Companies” and African Livestock-Keepers: Acting, Teaching,but not Learning?
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations John Morton, NRI, University of Greenwich
Conference Links
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Find further resources from researchers involved in the conference here.
AU Policy Framework
March 30, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism In October 2010, the African Union released a policy framework for pastoralism in Africa. This was confirmed by the Executive Council in January 2011. This framework is an important step forward for pastoral policy in Africa and provides a firm
Media Coverage
March 30, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing Press release and other media coverage

Further Reading
March 24, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing Global Donor Platform – Land, Investment and Development IIED – Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa IFPRI – “Land grabbing” by foreign investors in developing countries Farm Land Grab .org – Food Crisis
Day Two Summary
March 23, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Conference Summary by Amdissa Teshome, FAC Ethiopia The second day began as packed as the first. Four very senior pastoral researchers were asked to kick start the day by presenting their respective FIVE things that have changed in the last
Day 1 & 2 Summaries
March 23, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism A conference summary of day and 2 by Amdissa Teshome, FAC Ethiopia.
The case for index-based livestock insurance and cash payments for northern Kenya’s pastoralists
March 23, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism On the second day of a ‘Future of Pastoralism in Africa’ Conference, being held this week (21–23 March 2011) in Addis Ababa at the campus of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), a panel session focused on new approaches for strengthening
Seeking Alternative Livelihoodsin Northern Kenya
March 18, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations Elliot Fratkin PhD Smith College MA USA Martha A. Nathan MD Baystate Health Center and Tufts School of Medicine Eric Abella RothPhD University of Victoria CA
Multiple dimensions of pastoral conflict over land and territory within the Afar region of Ethiopia
March 15, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism - Presentations By Simone Rettberg, University of Bayreuth, Germany For Panel 3: Regional conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa and implications for pastoral development
Conference Outputs
March 14, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Commentaries on each of the 12 panel sessions were provided by participants and are linked below. There are is also a summary of Day 1 and Day 2.
Press Release
March 14, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Immediate Release: March 2011 David Hughes, Future Agricultures Consortium Communications and Networking Officer can be contacted on: +254 716 608 122 or Website: Pastoralists: moving with the times Frequently depicted as in crisis, pastoralists are changing the way they
Fast Facts
March 9, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Around 90 researchers from around the world will gather at an international conference on the “Future of Pastoralism” to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during 21-21rd March, 2011. This crucial event will allow space for critical reflection on the
February 7, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Over 40 papers were presented across 12 panels during the conference. Find the full listing of plenary presentations, all papers, plus panel abstracts here.
Conference Abstracts
February 4, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism Short descriptions of conference papers and presentations.
Reframing the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’
February 3, 2011 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa Are young people’s life aspirations and the vision of a dynamic agricultural sector in conflict? Policy interest in the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’ in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), when it is evident, is framed by a combination of narratives relating
Reframing the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’
February 3, 2011 / Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa Are young people’s life aspirations and the vision of a dynamic agricultural sector in conflict? Policy interest in the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’ in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), when it is evident, is framed by a combination of narratives relating
Reframing the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’
February 3, 2011 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Are young people’s life aspirations and the vision of a dynamic agricultural sector in conflict? Policy interest in the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’ in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), when it is evident, is framed by a combination of narratives relating
Conference Background
January 31, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism The future of pastoralism in Africa is uncertain. Pastoralist areas are experiencing radical changes in access to key resources, options for mobility and opportunities for marketing and trade. These changes present new threats and possibilities for making pastoralist livelihoods stronger.
Panel Commentaries
January 28, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing Commentaries on each of the panel sessions were provided by participants and are linked below.