The REVA PLAN in Senegal: Does modern farming of change minds of young people about agriculture?

By Mohamadou Sall

Agriculture has always held a central position in Senegalese economy. In all areas of the country, agriculture was and still remains the solid prop of domestic economy. Agriculture was given much attention by the colonial administration: successive governments have continued to develop agricultural schemes and programs.

However, never in the history of Senegal has there been a period richer in agriculture reform and programme development than that begun in 1999. The “Return to Agriculture Plan” or REVA plan is one key programme. Set up by the act n° 2006-1336 on 29th November 2006, the National Agency for the Return to Agriculture aimed at creating modern farms that would incite populations at large and most specifically young people to work the land. This was a big challenge because since the beginning of the crisis in the Senegalese agriculture in 1970, young people have been dropping this activity in favour of migration to Dakar or foreign countries.

This paper intends to see whether or not the implementation of the REVA plan has changed the way agriculture is perceived by the youth and if those young people in the programme really plan to follow this career.

File: Sall, The REVA Plan in Senegal.pdf