Opportunities for FAC to engage with CAADP Process

Following the 3rd CAADP review and partnership platform meeting, March 2008, four engagement opportunities for Future Agricultures in the CAADP process were identified.

Engagement Opportunity No. 1: Emphasis on farmer organizations is a potential area for Future Agricultures contribution to CAADP in view of the recent scoping study for the Gates Foundation. CAADP also has shown interest to engage the Gates Foundation with a view to expanding its donor base.

Engagement Opportunity No. 2: Align Future Agricultures thematic areas with CAADP pillars to cross fertilize knowledge and experience. This should include hooking www.future-agricultures.org to ReSAKSS website (and vice versa) to share evidence from Future Agricultures work with the CAADP process (and vice versa).

Engagement Opportunity No. 3: Here is a clear opportunity for Future Agricultures to bring the Ministry up to speed and help it facilitate the round table. We have already established good rapport with the Ministry and have developed consultation techniques that the Ministry has appreciated. COMESA has also indicated they need help to move things in Ethiopia!

Engagement Opportunity No 4: Link up the CAADP focal person and Future Agricultures Malawi country coordinators to share experience. Wherever possible invite CAADP focal persons to Future Agricultures meetings/forums.

The Mid-Term 2008 review of Future Agricultures work in the three countries recommended, among other things, that the Consortium should ?Engage with CAADP to achieve a pan-Africa presence.

The Consortium identified CAADP review and partnership platform meetings as important venue for engagement. Accordingly, the Consortium instructed Amdissa Teshome to attend the third CAADP review and partnership platform meeting in Seychelles, March 2008.

The ToR for this meeting was as follows:

  • Intelligence gathering on the status of the three Consortium countries in the CAADP process (Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi)
  • Exploiting opportunities for publicising the Consortium work using different strategies (one-to- one; one-to-many)

The meeting was used as an opportunity to identify critical areas where the Consortium work could feed into CAADP.