The Future of Farming in Zimbabwe

The divisive land reform in Zimbabwe in 2000, caused wide-spread controversy and chaos throughout the country, affecting people’s livelihoods. The aftermath of the land reforms and the impacts it has had on small and medium-scaled farming are examined in a four-part blog series by Ian Scoones at the Institute of Development Studies.

1. What is the future for medium-sized commercial farms in Zimbabwe?
2. Medium-scale farming for Africans: The ‘Native Purchase Areas’ in Zimbabwe
3. “No condition is permanent”: small-scale commercial farming in Zimbabwe
4. The future of medium-scale commercial farms in Africa: lessons from Zimbabwe

The role of medium scaled farming is a topic that is related to the Agriculture Policy Research in Africa (APRA) programme. Find out more information relating to APRA here.

The blogs by Ian Scoones first appeared in Zimbabweland.