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March 25, 2011 / Miscelleanous

March 25, 2011 / Miscelleanous

ECFP – Application Form
May 10, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Future Agricultures Consortium Early Career Fellowships Programme Application Form 2010 Instructions You may complete this form through the Online Application Form You may also download a version of this form HERE and send by e-mail to: FAC-Fellowships@future-agricultures.org. The application must

Building a common foundation for fighting seasonal hunger
Building a common foundation for fighting seasonal hunger
March 26, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Community-based management of acute malnutrition programs Child growth promotion programs (maternal and child nutrition, especially from pregnancy to age 3) Seasonal employment programs Social pensions for those unable to work A “minimum essential package” for fighting seasonal hunger, How much

Seasonality and High Food Prices: a  Double  Challenge
Seasonality and High Food Prices: a Double Challenge
March 26, 2010 / Miscelleanous
1. Seasonal hunger is predictable, can be understood and there are tested solutions 2. What happens during seasonal hunger and what happens in famine differs only in severity – Sequencing of coping remains largely the same 3. Moreover the link

Key Challenges for Technology
February 28, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Agricultural development is a sine qua non for imprurroving livelihoods in Africa’s predominantlyal economies, yet agricultural productivity has hardly improved and African food production per capita continues to decline. This is not because of ahlack of planning efforts, but rather

Political Economy of Agricultural Growth
February 24, 2010 / Miscelleanous
If investments are good for growth, then a questionwhich has always exercised the minds of economistsand policy-makers historically, is just how togenerate, attract, secure and sustain them. This isnot a question to which there are easy answers,although there is no

Innovation Response in Relation to Livestock Emergencies in East Africa
February 2, 2010 / Miscelleanous
By Hannington Odame and Oscar Okumu  This study examined the innovation response capacity in relation to livestock related emergencies in Ethiopia. The main objective is to determine the capacity of the livestock sector to respond and adapt to drought and

Science Technology And Innovation Theme In Sub-Saharan Africa
February 2, 2010 / Miscelleanous
By Hannington Odame, Oscar Okumu, Elsie Kangai This report is a result of a scoping study commissioned by IDS/Sussex, UK as part of thelaunch of the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) theme of the Future AgriculturesConsortium (FAC) and the proposal

External Publications-Teshome-Bottomup Processes-Jun 07
January 19, 2010 / Miscelleanous
A number of observers have described the policy making process in Ethiopia as strongly influenced by a long history of centralised, hierarchical systems of control under Imperial rule and nearly two decades of military rule by the Derg. The present

Brief fertiliser crisis
January 19, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Political and media attention has rightly been focused on recent increases in food and energy prices and their impacts on consumers and national economies, particularly poor consumers and poor economies but much greater increases in fertiliser prices have received much

Resurrecting The Vestiges Of A Developmental State In
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
This paper explores how the experiences leading to the adoption and successful implementation of the2005/2006 fertilizer subsidy programme can be exploited as the basis for churning out a viableframework for a developmental state in Malawi broadly understood as the state

Sequencing of Investments for Agricultural Growth, Poverty Reduction
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
As investment in agricultural development gains increasing prominence in Africa, amonggovernments and donors, there is renewed interest in developing strategic understanding of theinvestments that are needed to effectively and efficiently promote agricultural growth to benefit thepoor and improve food security.

The Revitalisation of Kenya Cooperative Creameries: The Politics of Policy  Reforms in the Dairy Sec
The Revitalisation of Kenya Cooperative Creameries: The Politics of Policy Reforms in the Dairy Sec
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
This paper presents a case study of politics of policy reforms in the dairy sector in Kenya with particular reference to the Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC). It is developed for the Policy Processes sub theme of the Future Agricultures Consortium

Agriculture in Malawi Challenges and Dilemmas
Agriculture in Malawi Challenges and Dilemmas
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with per capita gross domestic product of $190, 30 percent of under-five children being malnourished and the infant mortality rate of 229 per 1,000 live births and a life expectancy

FAC Meetings Series, Autumn 2007
FAC Meetings Series, Autumn 2007
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Future Agricultures: from broad themes to practical policy Early in the new century a consensus on agricultural and rural development emerged thatprovided renewed impetus to efforts to boost both agricultural development and the rural nonfarmeconomy, in a context of ever

Agricultural Policy in Kenya: Issues and Processes
Agricultural Policy in Kenya: Issues and Processes
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Agriculture remains the backbone of the Kenyan economy. It is the single most important sector in the economy, contributing approximately 25% of the GDP, and employing 75% of the national labour force (Republic of Kenya 2005). Over 80% of the

Establishment of Kenya National Agricultural Innovation Systems
January 18, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Studies on systems of agricultural innovation in Kenya and other African countries have shown that the concept of innovation exists in form of technologies, products, processes and organizational forms. Notable also is the existence of indigenous systems of innovation which

List of FAC outputs for 2008-09
December 21, 2009 / Miscelleanous
By Andrew Dorward, Peter Hazell and Colin PoultonMarch 2008 Agricultural input subsidies were a common element in agricultural development in poor rural economies in the 1960s and 70s, including successful green revolutions. Although subsidies have continued, to a greater and

A Guide To The Background Material Collection
July 10, 2009 / Miscelleanous
This is a list of project, conferences, workshops, and programmes relevant to the Political Economy of Seed Systems in Africa. The columns “K”enya, “M”alawi, “E”thiopia , “G”hana, have either y or n to indicate whether the initiative occurred in that

Synthesis Report for Theme III. Growth and Social Protection
Synthesis Report for Theme III. Growth and Social Protection
August 12, 2007 / Miscelleanous
By Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Andrew Dorward, John Omiti, Stephen Devereux, Amdissa Teshome, Ephraim ChirwaOctober 2007 This report describes the main activities and outputs of the Future Agriculture Consortium(FAC) under the theme of Growth and Social Protection for Phase I. Core work

Agricultural Policy in Kenya: Issues and Processes
July 2, 2006 / Miscelleanous
Agriculture remains the backbone of the Kenyan economy. It is the single most important sector in the economy, contributing approximately 25% of the GDP, and employing 75% of the national labour force (Republic of Kenya 2005). Over 80% of the