Land deals in Mozambique

mozlandA workshop on Governance of Large Scale Land Transactions in Mozambique took place on 31 July 2013. The event aimed to show preliminary findings from research in Manhica and Massingir, and to encourage dialogue among stakeholders in land transactions.

The workshop report and presentation slides are below.

Presentation slides


The event was organised by PLAAS with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Future Agricultures. It aimed to bring together participants from the community, policy makers, civil society, academics and investors in Mozambique.

This event aims to:

  • identify and highlight the opportunities for communities and investors to mutually benefit from large scale transactions in land.
  • Provide an opportunity for stakeholder engagement in the governance of Large Scale land investments in Mozambique
  • Explore ongoing initiatives aimed at improving large scale land transactions.

For more information on this project, email us at

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Image: WorldFish