FAC Researchers contribute to IDS Bulletin on Climate Change

idsbulletinThree FAC researchers have contributed to a new IDS Bulletin focusing on the Political Economy of Climate Change:

Bridging Research and Policy Processes for Climate Change Adaptation

This article by Lars Otto Naess, Emily Polack and Blessings Chinsinga draws on recent case studies under the DFID-funded Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) programme and shows how unpacking of policy processes through analysis of narratives, actors and politics can help reveal on important policy challenges for adaptation.

Meteorologists Meeting Rainmakers: Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Policy Processes in Kenya

Paul Guthiga and Andrew Newsham shed light on policy processes arising from interaction between indigenous rainmakers and meteorologists in their article.  The analysis focuses on policy dynamics that are often ignored in climate change mitigation studies, and argues that understanding these dynamics is important to ensure that climate change strategies are designed in congruence with local policy dynamics.

The Political Economy of Adaptation through Crop Diversification in Malawi

Blessings Chinsinga and colleagues demonstrates the politics of the policy processes of adaptation, using the case of crop diversification in Malawi. The authors highlight the competing narratives among different actors to illustrate the complexity of translating crop diversification in practice, and show how adaptation policies’ chance of success need to consider the institutional, political and cultural context in which they are applied.


Tanner, T. and Allouche, J. – 25-Mar-11
120 pages
Price £ 14.95
IDS Bulletin 42.3

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