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Video: explaining our China & Brazil in African Agriculture project
April 30, 2014 / China and Brazil in African Agriculture
In a new video, Henry Tugendhat explains our CBAA (China and Brazil in African Agriculture) project, and how it is investigating the emerging links between rising powers and the agricultural sector in Africa. Henry Tugendhat is a Research Officer for

‘African Farmer’: more than just a game
‘African Farmer’: more than just a game
April 28, 2014 / FAC blog
These insights led me to seek out collaborators in the Department of Informatics at the University of Sussex – Judith Good, Jim Jackson and Ellie Martin – to help design and develop a new computer game that would simulate farmer

‘African Farmer’ online game launched
‘African Farmer’ online game launched
April 23, 2014 / Science, Technology and Innovation
African Farmer, a free, open source online game, has been launched by the Future Agricultures Consortium and the University of Sussex. The game simulates the complex decisions and uncertainties faced by small-scale farmers living in Sub-Saharan Africa. It aims to

Young people, agriculture, and employment in rural Africa
April 23, 2014 / Working Papers
WIDER Working Paper 2014/080 James Sumberg,  Nana Akua Anyidoho,  Michael Chasukwa, Blessings Chinsinga, Jennifer Leavy, Getnet Tadele, Stephen Whitfield, and Joseph Yaro April 2014 This paper examines the current interest in addressing the problem of young people’s unemployment in Africa

15 April: China and Brazil in African agriculture – news roundup
April 15, 2014 / FAC blog
UK Government accused of fuelling a corporate scramble for Africa The World Development Movement has launched a campaign in criticism of The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition that was set up by G8 countries in 2012. The campaign

Innovation and commitment are vital for gender-equitable and inclusive investments
Innovation and commitment are vital for gender-equitable and inclusive investments
April 15, 2014 / FAC blog
The conference was organized by FAO in partnership with the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), Future Agricultures Consortium, the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), African Union, African Development Bank and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. The event

Early Career Fellowship research papers
April 15, 2014 / Early Career Fellowship Programme
Early Career Fellows publish research papers as part of their participation in our Early Career Fellowship Programme. The programme aims to build a new generation with skills in agricultural policy research and engagement. A selection are listed below.

The Role of Indigenous Gums and Resins in Pastoralists’ Livelihood Security and Climate Change…
April 15, 2014 / Research Papers
Full title: The Role of Indigenous Gums and Resins in Pastoralists’ Livelihood Security and Climate Change Adaptation in Garba Tula Area of Northern Kenya Yasin Mahadi S. Salah February 2014 The current study investigates the role of indigenous gums and

An investigation into the marginalisation of adolescent girls from the agrarian structure…
April 15, 2014 / Research Papers
Full title: An investigation into the marginalisation of adolescent girls from the agrarian structure and its impacts on their livelihoods in Africa: Experiences from Zimbabwe Manase Kudzai Chiweshe February 2014 The paper provides a nuanced and grounded understanding of how

Market Structure and Price: An empirical analysis of Irish potato markets in Kenya
April 15, 2014 / Research Papers
Nancy M. Laibuni and John M. Omiti February 2014 In many developing countries, Kenya included, food markets are characterised by information asymmetry, inadequate storage and transport infrastructure and weak physical and institutional market organisation. This study seeks to examine recent

An integrated approach towards moderating the effects of climate change on agriculture: A policy…
April 15, 2014 / Research Papers
Full title: An integrated approach towards moderating the effects of climate change on agriculture: A policy perspective for Zimbabwe Denboy Kudejira February 2014 This study was undertaken to provide a succinct assessment of the linkages between agricultural policy reform in

Transnational Large Scale Agricultural Firms in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia
April 15, 2014 / Research Papers
Full title: Transnational Large Scale Agricultural Firms in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia: Local Potentials, Opportunities and Constraints for Market Linkage and Contractual Farming Schemes Adil Yassin January 2014 Even though Transnational Corporations (TNCs) yield a huge potential in supporting the

Social protection and graduation: Case of heifer-in-trust in Burkina Faso
April 15, 2014 / Working Papers
Working Paper 79 Gountiéni Damien Lankoandé and James Sumberg March 2014 The distribution of livestock to poor people, commonly known as heifer-in-trust (HIT) or ‘livestock-in-kind credit’, can be seen as a specific type of asset-based social protection. Because of their

La lutte pour les terres collectives: feux de savane annuels et schémas transnationaux de…
April 15, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Titre complet: La lutte pour les terres collectives: feux de savane annuels et schémas transnationaux de plantation de mangues dans le nord du Ghana Point info 62 Joseph A. Yaro et Dzodzi Tsikata Le nord du Ghana est caractérisé par

Programme de subventions aux intrants agricoles au Malawi de 2006-2007 à 2011-2012: pour qui?
April 15, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 61 Ephraim W. Chirwa, Mirriam Matita et Andrew R. Dorward Le ciblage, le processus de sélection des régions et, au sein de ces régions, des ménages vers lesquels seront orientés les intrants subventionnés, joue un rôle capital dans

Facteurs déterminant l’accès aux coupons de subvention aux intrants au Malawi
April 15, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 60 Ephraim W. Chirwa, Mirriam Matita et Andrew R. Dorward Une manière pour les subventions aux intrants agricoles d’offrir directement une protection sociale pour les pauvres est d’attribuer aux pauvres des subventions très élevées afin de garantir l’accès

«S’affranchir progressivement» du programme de subventions aux intrants agricoles au Malawi
April 15, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 59 Ephraim W. Chirwa, Andrew R. Dorward et Mirriam Matita Étant donné le taux d’incidence élevé de la pauvreté et de l’insécurité alimentaire de la population rurale du Malawi, on pourrait, dans une certaine mesure, considérer les subventions

Aider les petits exploitants à commercialiser leur production
April 15, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info CAADP 11 Accélérer la croissance dans le secteur agricole en améliorant les capacités des entrepreneurs privés (producteurs commerciaux et petits exploitants) pour répondre aux exigences toujours plus complexes des marchés intérieurs, régionaux et mondiaux – tel est l’objectif

Lessons for the New Alliance and Land Transparency Initiative: Gender Impacts of Tanzania’s…
April 15, 2014 / Policy Briefs
Full title: Lessons for the New Alliance and Land Transparency Initiative: Gender Impacts of Tanzania’s Land Investment Policy Policy brief 67 Helen Dancer There are gender-differentiated impacts when land is harnessed for commercial investment. Land policy needs to address the

Inclusive business models in agriculture? Learning from smallholder cane growers in Mozambique
April 14, 2014 / Policy Briefs
Future Agricultures / PLAAS Policy Brief 66 Emmanuel Sulle, Ruth Hall and Gaynor Paradza Amidst the increasing corporate investment in African farmland the term ‘inclusive business model’ has become a catchphrase touted as an opportunity for incorporating smallholder farmers alongside

Does CAADP need more political economy?
Does CAADP need more political economy?
April 2, 2014 / Policy Processes
On our blog, Blessings Chinsinga reports back from CAADP's 10th Partnership Platform in Durban. Among many positive discussions about the future of farming in Africa, is there a need for a new focus on the political economy of agriculture? Blog:

After 10 years, does CAADP understand political economy?
April 2, 2014 / FAC blog
The event’s overriding goal was to contribute to efforts to sustain CAADP’s momentum in the next decade or so through mutual learning and experience-sharing among countries. The idea was to strengthen and deepen country engagements and ownership in a bid

La participation du secteur privé au programme de subventions aux intrants agricoles au Malawi
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 58 par Ephraim W. Chirwa et Andrew R. Dorward Le programme de subventions aux intrants agricoles (FISP, Farm Input Subsidy Programme) du Malawi a été mis en place depuis la saison 2005-2006 dans le but d’améliorer la production

L’utilisation d’engrais sur les parcelles de femmes: le programme malawite de subvention aux…
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Titre complet: L’utilisation d’engrais sur les parcelles de femmes: le programme malawite de subvention aux intrants selon les ménages Point info 57 par Ephraim W. Chirwa, Peter M. Mvula, Andrew Dorward et Mirriam Matita Depuis la saison agricole 2005/06,le gouvernement

Redéfinir le programme de la Nouvelle Alliance: une évaluation critique sur base du cas…
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 56 par Emmanuel Sulle et Ruth Hall Pour réaliser une croissance durable et inclusive dans les pays africains, il est essentiel d’investir spécifiquement dans les petites exploitations agricoles, afin de leur permettre de mieux utiliser leurs terres et

L’initiative de la ceinture verte et l’accaparement des terres au Malawi
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 55 par Blessings Chinsinga et Michael Chasukwa Il y a souvent un décalage entre les intentions en apparence bienveillantes et les manifestations pratiques des accords fonciers à grande échelle. Les réalités empiriques de ces accords appellent à étudier

La sécurité alimentaire dans un système environnemental mondial en pleine mutation
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point info 54 par Laura Pereira Le système alimentaire mondial connaît une transformation sans précédent. Une transformation qui ne résulte pas seulement de l’impact majeur des changements environnementaux au niveau mondial (CEM), mais aussi de l’expansion rapide des activités agroalimentaires

Productivité de la main-d’oeuvre agricole et prix alimentaires: principaux impacts…
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Titre complet: Productivité de la main-d’oeuvre agricole et prix alimentaires: principaux impacts sur le développement et indicateurs Point info 53 par Andrew Dorward Le présent Point Info passe en revue l’évolution historique des prix des produits alimentaires de base (en

La Chine et le Brésil peuvent-ils aider l’Afrique à se nourrir?
March 31, 2014 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
CAADP Point info 12 March 2014 Les gouvernements nationaux cherchent depuis longtemps à savoir comment l’Afrique peut se nourrir et comment le secteur agricole pourrait accroître son efficacité comme moteur de croissance et de développement. Les donateurs occidentaux ont intensifié

Changing the conversation on gender & land
Changing the conversation on gender & land
March 31, 2014 / Gender & Social Difference
Our conference in Cape Town on 5-7 March brought together more than 100 people from civil society, governments, academia and business to change the conversation about gender, land and agriculture in Africa. Presentations, video, blogs and other material from the

New topic guide on Land published
New topic guide on Land published
March 28, 2014 / Land
A new topic guide on the subject of land, by Anna Locke (Future Agricultures Land theme) and Giles Henley, has been published. This is the latest in the Overseas Development Insitute’s 'Evidence on Demand' series. It covers the following: Growing

Conference programme
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
Programme of the Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa conference, March 2014.

Conference recommendations
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
The Conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa included four working groups who were given the task of producing recommendations for different ‘sectors’ of society. These recommendations suggest ways for different groups to address gender inequality in the

Storify: Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
This Storify brings together photos, social media, articles and video to tell the story of the Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa conference. The event was discussed on Twitter by participants and others, and some of the key plenary

Blog commentary: Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
The conference organisers and participants wrote a number of blog posts commenting on the themes of the conference. A list is below.

Recommendations to Researchers
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
Recommendations produced by the conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa, March 2014.

Recommendations to the Private Sector
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
Recommendations produced by the conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa, March 2014.

Recommendations to Governments
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
Recommendations produced by the conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa, March 2014.

Recommendations to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
March 28, 2014 / Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa
Recommendations produced by the conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender & Land in Africa, March 2014.

26 March: China and Brazil in African agriculture – news roundup
March 26, 2014 / FAC blog
Global Agribusiness Forum 2014 March 24-25: The Global Agribusiness Forum is taking place in São Paulo this year. It involves some high-profile speakers including the director of EMBRAPA, the WTO director general, Roberto de Azevêdo, and Brazil’s representative at the

Large-scale Commercial Agriculture in Africa: Lessons from the Past
March 26, 2014 / Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 65 by Rebecca Smalley African agriculture is in a phase of rapid commercialisation. Planners and investors in sub-Saharan Africa urgently need to consider how the choice of business model, the local context and the political environment affect outcomes

Collective Action, Gender Relations and Social Inclusion in African Agricultural Markets
March 25, 2014 / Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 64 by Sally Baden Concerns expressed since the 1970s about women being excluded from mainstream rural development activities in Africa have fostered numerous women-specific activities designed to address this gender inequality. These actions have, more recently, been supported

Dams, flooding and displacement: the Tokwe Mukorsi dam
March 21, 2014 / FAC blog
It has been declared a national emergency, and considerable resources have been deployed in response. Funds from the US as well as China have been offered, and whole fleets of CMED vehicles have been commandeered to move people. Emergency camps

21 March 2014: China & Brazil in African Agriculture – news roundup
March 21, 2014 / FAC blog
CAADP conference invites Brazilian observers The 10th annual conference of the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), begins on 18 March 2014, and has invited two representatives from Brazil’s Lula Institute to attend. They will participate as observers to the

Competing narratives on sustainable agriculture: what is the future that women want?
March 20, 2014 / FAC blog
One view sees the expansion of commercial agriculture and high input agricultural value chains as the only way forward — a “green revolution” offering promising opportunities for smallholders to farm as a business. The other side passionately disagrees with this

‘Commuter farmers’ in Tanzania’s valley of sugar and rice
March 19, 2014 / FAC blog
The plots are used to grow rice or maize – for the outgrowers, that’s in addition to the sugarcane they grow at home, but for the other farmers, it might be their only crops except for what they grow in

Food sovereignty dialogues resources
Food sovereignty dialogues resources
March 19, 2014 / Land
The critical dialogues on food sovereignty held 14-15 September 2013 in Yale University, USA, and 24 January 2014 at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the Hague have produced some excellent resources. The dialogues brought together the world’s

Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa: Has CAADP Made a Difference? A Rwanda Case Study
March 17, 2014 / Working Papers
Future Agricultures Working Paper 78 Frederick Golooba-Mutebi February 2014 The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is an African Union initiative intended to accelerate agricultural growth across Africa and improve food security as well as strengthen the resilience of the

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP): Political Incentives, Value…
March 17, 2014 / Working Papers
Full title: The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP): Political Incentives, Value Added and Ways Forward Future Agricultures Working Paper 77 Colin Poulton, Kassahun Berhanu, Blessings Chinsinga, Brian Cooksey, Frederick Golooba-Mutebi and Augustin Loada February 2014 It is now ten

11 March 2014: China & Brazil in African Agriculture – news roundup
March 11, 2014 / FAC blog
Can the World Feed China? China’s grain imports have been growing enormously in recent years, set to make it one of the world’s leading grain importers. The article mentions the political sensitivity in China surrounding questions raised around food security,